Ep. 64 - Building a Better Analytics Platform with Industry Benchmarks with Peter Caputa, CEO at databox.com

In this episode, Peter shares a bit more about databox.com's plans to release a new benchmarking feature. Peter also discusses how databox leveraged templates to grow organically and why they (currently) aren't investing in paid ads.
In this episode, Peter shares a bit more about databox.com's plans to release a new benchmarking feature. Peter also discusses how databox leveraged templates to grow organically and why they (currently) aren't investing in paid ads.

Creators and Guests

Paris Childress
Paris Childress
Founder & CEO of Hop Online, Performance Marketing Agency | Ex-Googler
Ep. 64 - Building a Better Analytics Platform with Industry Benchmarks with Peter Caputa, CEO at databox.com
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