Ep. 63 - How Data and Collaboration Empowers Client Success Teams with Emilia D'Anzica, Founder and MD at Growth Molecules

Meet Emilia, Founder and Managing Director at Growth Molecules. We chat with Emilia about how the Customer Success role has changed over time, triggering customer conversations with data, and the importance of a tight relationship between the Customer Success and Sales teams.
Meet Emilia, Founder and Managing Director at Growth Molecules. We chat with Emilia about how the Customer Success role has changed over time, triggering customer conversations with data, and the importance of a tight relationship between the Customer Success and Sales teams.

Creators and Guests

Paris Childress
Paris Childress
Founder & CEO of Hop Online, Performance Marketing Agency | Ex-Googler
Ep. 63 - How Data and Collaboration Empowers Client Success Teams with Emilia D'Anzica, Founder and MD at Growth Molecules
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