Ep. 62 - Running a PLG & Enterprise Demand Gen Marketing Team Under One Roof with Hernando Buitrago VP of Marketing at instabug.com

Meet Hernando Buitrago, VP of Marketing at Instabug.com. We chat with Hernando about building a Marketing team in a Series A company, breaking out your marketing for PLG and Enterprise Demand Gen, and collaborating successfully with the sales team.
Meet Hernando Buitrago, VP of Marketing at Instabug.com. We chat with Hernando about building a Marketing team in a Series A company, breaking out your marketing for PLG and Enterprise Demand Gen, and collaborating successfully with the sales team.

Creators and Guests

Paris Childress
Paris Childress
Founder & CEO of Hop Online, Performance Marketing Agency | Ex-Googler
Ep. 62 - Running a PLG & Enterprise Demand Gen Marketing Team Under One Roof with Hernando Buitrago VP of Marketing at instabug.com
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